Accelerate adoption and sales of a new procedure through best-practices education



  • Information design and program architecture
  • Branding and creative direction
  • Instructional design
  • Development of forms and step-by-step guidance tools
  • Stakeholder communications
  • Content/materials audit


  • Established a continuous cycle of improvement that was available to practices 24/7
  • Delivered desired outcomes for both BDMs and ophthalmic practices
  • Created a tangible business asset by successfully unifying and consolidating BDM expertise
  • Elevated professionalism of practice development efforts


VISX, the industry leader in laser vision correction technology, sought to drive adoption of a new procedure and accelerate sales by helping ophthalmic practices improve their marketing and referral efforts and internal processes. Unfortunately, the actual market impact of VISX’s prior efforts was limited both by the small number of VISX Business Development Managers and by their widely varying approaches. To improve the ROI of the BDM team, VISX needed to extend the BDMs’ reach, improve the consistency and quality of their work, and deliver greater impact on customer practices.

How we helped

Our key insight was that VISX business goals could best be served by creating a best-practices program that taught and facilitated a process for continuous improvement. We created an initial practice assessment that enabled BDMs to recommend individualized learning and tools within three core competencies. Practices could implement specific changes, then evaluate their success and continue to refine development efforts with minimal periodic input from BDMs.

We used a rigorous instructional design process to develop the program architecture and materials, working closely with subject matter experts and internal stakeholders to transform BDM expertise into a system of independent learning modules and easy-to-follow actionable tools.

The branding we developed was designed to establish a distinct identity for the program while giving VISX the flexibility to deploy the program under an existing, and evolving, umbrella brand.